Lisatud ostukorvi
Avaleht / E-Pood / Rösterid / PHILIPS | TOASTER | HD2635/90 VIVA COLLECTION | NUMBER OF SL
Toote kood HD2635/90
Tootja Philips
Number of slices 2 slice(s)
Product colour Black, Titanium
Housing material Metal, Plastic
Variable crust browning control Y
Number of slots 2
Reheat function Y
Defrost function Y
Removable crumb tray Y
Sandwich rack N
Warming rack Y
Number of browning levels 7
Long slot N
Cord storage Y
Stop/cancel button Y
High-lift mechanism Y
Cool wall housing Y
Non-slip feet Y
Crumb tray Y
Country of origin China
AC input voltage 220 V
AC input frequency 50 - 60 Hz
Cord length 0.85 m
Width 172 mm
Depth 300 mm
Height 201 mm
Slot size (LxWxH) 138 x 33 x 125 mm
Weight 1.57 kg
Dust cover included Y
Manual Y
Package width 200 mm
Package depth 334 mm
Package height 220 mm
Package weight 2.04 kg
Bun warmer included Y
Auto safety shut-off (in case of jammed bread) Y
Ladu Laos Kättetoimetamise aeg

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